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The 'Reality Based Community' Loses Touch With Reality

How Democrats have fallen through the looking glass into a fantasy world. If they don't come back to reality, reality will smack us all in the face on Nov. 5

This, in all likelihood, will be the last video I make on this subject. That is, the subject of whether or not President Biden should continue his campaign in light of his disastrous debate performance, and even after the George Stephanopoulos interview last night.

To be honest, I thought Biden was just fine in the interview, as he’s been just fine in every appearance since and, for that matter, before the debate. And yet, the freakout continues and it has driven Democrats off the rails completely. At this point, in my view, if anything is going to cost Democrats this election, it’s this continuing flight from anything real or workable that the party seems to be on.

The amount of energy that’s going into the Democratic assault on the Democratic nominee is so much more than they’re putting into attacking the Republican nominee that the situation has become not only surreal, but unreal.

I’ll be writing an explanatory piece about Project 2025, which is something that every Democrat from Biden on down should be mentioning and warning about in every interview and public statement, probably next week. I only hope that Democrats shift their focus to that and the many other very viable attacks against Trump, and do it fast, rather than waste any more effort on this suicidal “conversation.”

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