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A Game Show to Pick a New Democratic Nominee? What on Earth is Going on?

Democrats continue to float untethered from reality, unable to capitalize on Donald Trump's wanton derangement.

If there’s one thing that makes me the most pessimistic about this election, it’s not the polls. Those aren’t great, and it’s been frustrating that Joe Biden hasn’t been able to make any real headway — even after Donald Trump’s deranged, seemingly interminable nomination acceptance speech on Thursday. 

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Nonetheless, this remains a winnable election for Biden. Or, one hopes, any Democrat, because rightly or wrongly, it now appears that Biden’s position as the Democratic nominee has simply become untenable. Some of this is on Biden. He appears unable to capitalize on any opportunity. 

Mostly, however, this is a failure of the party itself. If you’re an “undecided” voter (I know, I know) why would you vote for a candidate when two dozen or so elected representatives from his own party publicly state that he should not be running for president? You don’t. Democrats can spend all the time they want patting themselves on the back for being the “adults in the room” and “having the discussion,” but all they’ve accomplished is crippling their own chances. 

Even if Biden finally succumbs to what now appears inevitable — what then. As if what’s happened so far isn’t insane enough, we now see prominent Democrats suggesting a “mini-primary,” otherwise known as a free-for-all, to decide the new nominee. The goal appears to be to oust not only Biden but his obvious and, frankly, lawful successor, Vice President Kamala Harris as well.

Who runs in this game show “primary?” Who is going to stick their necks out to challenge Harris? No one who wants a future in Democratic politics. It’s going to be a gaggle of dead-enders: Marianne Williamson. Dean Philips. Maybe even RFK Jr. will return to the party to make his stand. Can’t wait.

Who pays for this primary? State and local governments pay for and organize primary elections. They’ve already done that once this year. Democrats are going to ask them to do it all over again?

This is a supremely terrible idea. What a surreal spectacle of self-defeat. I’m still stunned. Whoever the nominee turns out to be — Biden, Harris, RFK Jr., Fred Flintsone, anyone — will Democrats somehow set aside their differences and become full-on, full-time propagandists for this person, and against Donald Trump? That’s what needs to happen, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

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